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marts, 2019

07mar17:0019:00Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: Alle Feminister På Gaden Warm-Up: posters & talk



Warm up for “Alle Feminister på Gaden” march + demo with an intimate and inspiring discussion with author and Professor, Birgitte Possing, followed by socializing and sign-making in preparation for the march.

We’ll open at 17:00 with a welcome by Women’s March Copenhagen followed by a few words by Maja Andersen, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, who will reflect on global feminism and economic inequality.

Birgitte will then share from her new book, Arguments Against Women (Argumenter Imod Kvinder), which documents a tradition over the past 170 years in Denmark, of shutting down ambitious women in political life, business, the scientific world, sports, the church, and in culture generally. Arguments Against Women shows how women in Denmark are repeatedly reduced to mothers, judged on their attire, appearance, erotic charisma, or rejected, with condescending arguments invented for the occasion. In learning the history of this country (often heralded as gender equal), the tradition of feminism that perseveres, and expressing our thoughts and demands on demo signs and posters as we build our local community, we prepare for our continued fight on March 8.

This event will be held in English so please share with those in your life who aren’t yet fluent in Danish.

We’ll supply (limited) poster materials (cardboard, paint, markers) – and you’re very welcome to bring more to share!


(Torsdag) 17:00 - 19:00


Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke

Fælledvej 12, København